Thursday, March 29, 2012

Raising a black man...

A month after the murder of Trayvon Martin, I found myself close to tears. I've paid close attention to every detail surrounding this case. This is one of those stories that make me realize how society effects my personal life. Two years ago, I would have paid attention to the news, I would have probably shared my opinions and not much more after that. I wouldn't have done more because I didn't believe things effected ME. I was aware of the world and how people thought, especially about racial issues, but they were "outta sight, outta mind" for me. When I found out I was carrying a BLACK MAN in my womb, I begun to view society in a different light.

As I sit on my couch, watching CNN or the evening news, I find myself sick to my stomach. A month after this senseless, racially motivated murder.. George Zimmerman is still in "hiding" and now the authorities are beginning to seek justification into this hate-filled crime. The Stanford police have stated Trayvon was accused of having marijuana residue in his bookbag, that he has been suspended from school a few times and even looked at his twitter feed. The authorities have also stated that Trayvon "attacked" Zimmerman. If Trayvon did punch Zimmerman, when is it okay for a stranger to stalk you and for your to protect yourself and get SHOT for defending yourself? I look down at my son and begin to realize that HE might be "mistaken" for a "hoodlum", a "criminal", a "delinquent" just because of his brown skin. How do I protect him? Oh, I am to teach him how to "act" and "conduct" himself in the presence of white folk? Am I to teach him to move slow? To keep his hands out of his pockets and in view at all times? Am I to teach him to keep his voice low? To never look in the eye of a white man? To forbid him of wearing certain clothes? Am I to teach him to be SCARED of authority?

I'm afraid I could NEVER do these things. I've already decided to teach him right from wrong. Isn't that enough?

My whole life I've seen all the black men in my life be treated unfairly. My boyfriend has a 1999 Ford Crown Victoria. I've witnessed with my own eyes the police sit at a stop light, make an illegal u-turn to purposely get behind him to pull him over. I've watched the police pull him over and search his car while sarcastically "hoping" to find drugs or a gun. Tyree is college educated, he was raised in a christian household and is free of criminal record. Yet, he's been targeted for profiling because he "fits the description". Fits the description of who? A 20-something black guy?

Trayvon Martin or James Byrd, the black Texas man who was maliciously dragged behind a pick up truck in 1998. Lets not forget Anthony Hill who was shot in the head then dragged behind a truck in South Carolina in 2010 or James Anderson, the Mississippian who was killed the night some kids wanted to "fuck with some niggers" just last summer. These black men are prime examples of the how some Americans still view black men. Black life is less valuable than any other life. As I begin to examine the crimes against the species I love the most, I begin to reflect on all of the black men that I know who have been killed by OTHER black men. Our society has hated black men so much since my ancestors crossed the Atlantic that they hate themselves. Niggas killing niggas is the outcome of society placing such little value on black men.

How do we stop black men from, first, hating each other? How do we get black men to stand together to end injustice against their own species? How do we as a group begin to change the 400 year old stigma of our black men? How do I keep my son out of a body bag and out of jail? I believe Black men have to educate the generations that come up behind them. If a man teaches a young black boy the importance of family, he won't walk out on the family that will one day be his. If a man teaches a young black boy that other black men are his brothers NOT his enemy, he won't think another boy's life is less than his. If a man teaches a young black boy that the acquisition of knowledge, be it a trade or degree- is POWER, not drugs or violence, that boy will excel at his academics.

Black men, I pray that we ALL grow tired of this injustice. I pray that we ALL try to turn to tables. Lets do it for Trayvon, and if not for him, do it for yourself. Let America know you're TIRED of society thinking you are heartless and criminal.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Here's Tyson... affectionately known to me as Tinky or Bean. He's literally the best baby I've ever met, and I don't just say that because I'm his mother. He's such an easy going little guy. He loves blowing razzberries and playing with anyone he meets. He's a little social butterfly. He brings so much joy to my life. Learning how to be a mom to this little guy has been such a blessing. He's makes me want to try to be BETTER in the physical, mental and spiritual. On certain days, when its the two of us, he's my best friend. He listens attentively and I always feel like he's telling me "its okay mommy". He makes me laugh. He has taught me that love is unconditional.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

BFF Weekend

Risse, one of my best friends celebrated her 25th birthday this weekend. This was the perfect opportunity for me to let my hair down (literally) and enjoy her celebration. Friday, I fried chicken and made pasta salad for a small gathering at her house. Had a few drinks and headed out to Ibiza. Ibiza was fun. More drinks and dancing with the girlfriends.
Had a blast. I love this girl to pieces. We became friends right before her 20th birthday and we've been BFF's pretty much ever since. Saturday, I went to Stadium with my other BFF Chaunny. It was okay I guess. The girls were sexy as hell but it was stupid crowded and the drinks were over priced. I couldn't move around a lot and I couldn't get tipsy. But we were cute lol
Back to the grind... I have two mid-terms this week. I'm thinking I'll make a few videos after I finish these test. Enjoy your week folks! Be Blessed

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tattoo inspiration

I have a tattoo cover up consultation with tattoo artist Liaa Walter on Friday that I'm looking forward to. Her artwork on her webpage is nice. I found her by searching for tattoo artist that specialize in cover ups. She was highly recommended. I'm planning on having flowers going up my side, originating on my stomach (where the tattoo I want covered is located).


While I was surfing Youtube, I found this... adooorreee this video. some afternoon inspiration.


Good morning! Nothing like waiting on a pair of shoes to knock on your door!!
I wanted to purchase these when we went to Miami but ended up buying something else. So I went to Nordstrom to get them, sadly they didn't have my size. (whomp) I ordered them in the store and hopfully they'll be here by Friday. I hope to wear them this weekend... I love the pattern and the colors.. So fun and youthful! If they're here by Friday, I need to find a dress to wear out with it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Healthy Eating

My boyfriend recently received news that he has high cholesterol. SUPER SAD FACE, right? Wrong. In my Anatomy and Physiology class, my professor is very anti-drug for everything and over the semester I have adapted this same ideology. When my boyfriend's doctor diagnosed him, the doctor wanted to prescribe him meds to lower his triglycerides (in short- a BAD cholesterol. Saturated animal fats. Used in the human body to store unused calories. I will discuss this in depth in a future entry.) . I, under the teachings of Dr. Watts (lol) tell him we could resolve this by eating a healthier diet and working out. We started simply by cutting red meat and pork out of diets and eating foods with no trans fats. I've been going to the gym doing 30-45 minutes of cardio twice a week (a few missed days but tried to maintain some form of exercise at home.. he's started to walk more around the property he works for.) Not much yet in the way true dedication but we're working on it. (ha) Tonight for Dinner I made Baked chicken breast, cabbage and mashed potatoes Here's the recipe for some Very moist and flavorful chicken breast and tasty cabbage. (oh those potatoes happen to be instant so, uh... read a box.)
Cabbage: -1 whole cabbage -1/2 stick of butter -1/2 cup of chicken stock/broth -1/2 bag of shredded carrots -Salt, pepper and onion powder, to your preference. 1. Pour 1/2 c. chicken stock/broth into pot. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to simmer. 2. Clean cabbage, cut in half to remove core. 3. Pull cabbage apart and place into pot. Fill halfway with cabbage and shredded carrots and season. Add remaining cabbage and carrots and add season. Place top on. 4. Cook for low heat for one hour. Cook longer if you desire a softer texture. Baked Chicken Breast
-1lb skinless,boneless chicken breast. -Olive Oil -Onion Powder -Old Bay Seasoning -Salt -Pepper -Aluminum foil 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2. Clean chicken, pat dry and coat with old bay season, onion powder, salt, pepper on both sides. 3. Drizzle your baking pan with olive oil and place chicken in pan 4. Place aluminum foil over pan, cook for 10 minutes. Remove aluminum foil, flip chicken over and cook for an additional 10 minutes. My boyfriend loved it... maybe you and yours will too.
(but of course this simply yet yummy recipe is from my mother.)


This hair experiment is amazingly awesome. I absolutely love my Brazilian locks :) Charmaine did an excellent job with the installation and style (simple yet sexy curls). I've received plenty of compliments and my boyfriend loveeess it (which is always a plus when your man loves you hair). This installation makes me look my age (maybe people will finally stop asking me if I'm 18 -_- ). Currently I'm only applying Moroccan oil (when needed) and at night I'm using large flexi-rods (purple and gray) to hold the curl.
sexy sexy ;-)
Tyson and I at my cousin's birthday party

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Journey To: Natural Hair Ep. 1

this is my first youtube video... I'm on a roll with these "First" tonight right....

Comment and feedback is appreciated!

First Foot Down....

Hello all... This is my introduction.

First and foremost... This is NOT another hair blog [lol]. I love hair/make up blogs. However, this is not one. I will post many entries about hair and make-up but this blog is to document my journey down a road that is new to me.

One of those things being MOTHERHOOD. I gave birth to my son on August 12, 2011. I'm not a newbie anymore, but I'm learning how to be a BETTER mom every day. I wanted to share with the world all the beautiful things that I experience and the not so beautiful moments as well.

I am also an aspiring nurse. I'm currently in my last two prerequisite courses at Prince Georges Community College. I hope to enter the clinical rotation in the fall. I will frequently discuss that whole experience here as well.

I plan to put videos/how-tos on this blog as well. Expect a variety of topics from hair to food!

All during high school, I blogged. I'm excited to jump back into it. I hope you enjoy my journey, as each step is a blessing to me.